United Colours of Rodborough Avenue

As can be expected of this community driven and creative town of ours there has been numerous initiatives and projects set up over the past few months supporting and helping people in different ways, to get through these uncertain and difficult times…

One which has brought much needed colour into our lives is the residents of Rodborough Avenue…Initiated by Kate Dougherty and her daughter Cara the artful dwellers have been dressing up in the colours of the rainbow. Different colour each day. Each colour made into a different scene by each household. “It was fun, much needed silliness and a way to connect during a difficult period for everyone….My daughters also loved it!” says participant Oonagh Davies.

“So the high” adds Kate Dougherty, “when most people were involved was probably yellow day. And what was lovely is some families obviously put a lot of time and effort into it and gathered hundreds of yellow objects and soft furnishings and foods and crazy stuff and involved the whole family. “ “It brought everyone together and everyone was getting involved,” adds Cara, “even pets and young children, teenagers. It was just a really nice way of bringing everyone together.”

Have a gander at the gallery below featuring a few of the colour scenes!