Creative Neighbourhood - Call Out

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We are all aware of the bizarre times we are in. A crisis at such a large scale that all around the world, the population has responded by having to rely on emerging networks and structures within our local communities. Routines and lives have become unrecognisable within the course of a few months. But what we have seen are examples of creativity...everywhere. National organisations have been weakened by the enormity of the Coronavirus crisis, and as a result, we are in a time when we have seen local communities re-build, based on our shared values that have become apparent. Creative Neighbourhood was set up by Stroud-based architects, Designfarm Architects. With a background in building projects, as well as graphics, film and animation, they’re passionate about the power our spaces around us have to enhance how we live, work and play. Furthermore, Designfarm Architects believe any future design of these spaces should be a collaborative process based on a shared desire to make better places for everyone.

Calling for collaborators
Designfarm Architects are inviting one and all to join them on an exploratory journey that opens up debate and discussion concerning the founding principles of townscape, and its relevance or insignificance as we move forward beyond 2020.

Calling all artists, writer, designers (everyone!)
“We’re seeking out Stroud’s Creative Neighbourhood, and we’re asking them to re-imagine the possibilities of our town. We hope this will be a fun, experimental journey that aims to get creative people from within our community to join in and contribute to discovering an alternative landscape for Stroud. As our movements became restricted, journeys have become routine but hugely significant as daily tasks become ritual. In pondering our landscapes, what were once incidental objects may now have become personal landmarks. We want you to ‘map’ your journeys around Stroud, be they from bed to chair, house to hill or purely imagined, using any method or medium you can think of. Our aim is to create a new map of Stroud based on the personal experiences of the community during this period of lock down. Contributions can take the form of artworks, graphical images, collages, written words or any other media and email them to us at by the 30th June 2020 for inclusion in the project. ”

If you are interested in contributing or would like to know more, they would love to hear from you! Visit for further info…