Local Artists Christmas Cards for HomeStart Stroud

Artists from across Stroud (and some slightly beyond) have been invited to create an amazing selection of christmas cards spreading some much needed cheer and to raise vital funds for charity this Christmas.

Launched and co-ordinated by designer Megan Sheer the printing costs were paid for with some remaining funds from an existing community fund and all the profits from the sale of the cards will go to HomeStart Stroud, who support local families under stress or crisis: “This year has been a struggle for everyone, but struggling families with young children are amongst those who have had a particularly hard time - many were running on empty even before the Covid crisis hit. It's a great charity with amazing volunteers and the money raised will go directly to help local families.”

The cards feature unique pieces by the likes of Alex Merry, Marcus Walters, Cleo Mussi, Andy Lovell, Lucy Storrs, Hannah Dyson, Alison Merry, Gwen Burns, Hannah Shaw, Jo Sanders, Tasha Goddard, Kate Buckingham, Sue Burns, Lucy Birkinshaw and Susie Hetherington, sold in boxes of 15, one of each artwork: “’Stroud is full of both artistic talent and community spirit and it’s been a real joy bringing together this beautiful festive artwork to help such a brilliant local cause…”

The cards will be on sale at the Sub Rooms and will cost £10 for a pack of 15 (only 66p per card!). They are printed locally at Wheatleys printers, on recycled card. If you are self isolating, you can contact Megan Sheer at mail@sheerdesignandtypesetting.com and she can arrange to pay online and have them posted to you for an extra £2.