Adam Horovitz: Love In A Celebrity Climate

Stroud poet Adam Horovitz releases a new, book-sized pamphlet this month to coincide with his Inheriting the Mantle event at Stroud Book Festival on November 13th (click here for tickets!)

Love in a Celebrity Climate is a furious little book of satirical, political and topical performance poetry that stares unblinking down both scraped barrels of the tabloid arsenal and takes a swipe at all-comers, be they David Hasselhoff, terrorists of any stripe, celebrity cannibals, the England football squad, the Royal Family, Brexit, ATOS, banks or the advertising industry.

“These are poems to be spoken aloud, as loud as possible,” says Horovitz. “A quiet part of me has always enjoyed the noisy performance side of poetry, the act of getting up in a club or bar and spitting words into a microphone, despite the fact that I more usually write in a quieter, more measured voice nowadays. Releasing Love in a Celebrity Climate was a chance to feel the noise again.”

Some of the poems were written while he was poet-in- residence for the Borkowski PR company’s website, where his remit was to write topical poems that dug under the skin of ‘celebrities, politicians and other scoundrels’, but many more of them are very recent, triggered by events in the news.

“The book is laid out in three sections, almost as if it were an evening of watching TV” says Horovitz. “It starts with a Celebrity section, which is followed by an advertisement break and closes with the news.”

Adam has kindly offered Good On Paper reader's an excerpt of the book prior to it's release which you can read below:


Love in a Celebrity Climate is released under the Little Metropolis imprint, priced £6.50. The limited edition first printing is available to pre-order until November 14th at a 20% discount from the Little Metropolis bandcamp page.