Stroud Community TV Awards 2017 by Philip Booth

On Saturday 18th March at Lansdown Hall we invite you all to join us for the Stroud Community TV Awards 2017! Local filmmaker Jimmy Edmonds perhaps best sums it up when he writes of a previous Awards evening: “There was no red carpet and no tuxedos, no massed ranks of photographers and no star spotters - neither was there a big name celebrity to clutch a golden statue to her breast before revealing the winner. But what there was, was pure Stroud……The audience fed on…small but intense delicacies with enthusiasm and true appreciation of the ability of film and video to reach the parts that bigger movies might not - a community recorded and represented in its own way, unmediated by any need to make a profit or sell an idea.”

'Autos' by Callum Bonner winner of Best Local Film, Stroud Community TV Awards 2016

The Awards evening is indeed a wonderful celebration of local talent, beauty, quirkiness and more - all produced in the Five Valleys. The evening, which is part of the third Stroud Film Festival, will include winning short films and local filmmakers sharing thoughts, including the film team at Slimbridge Wildlife Wetlands Trust. The event is free, doors open 7pm with the proceedings starting at 7:30pm and the bar will be open with cafe-style tables. All welcome - so get the date in your diary now!

'Tilly's Song' by Hattie Briggs winner of Best Music Film, Stroud Community TV Awards 2016

Still time for your film nominations!
As in previous years, we are asking the public to nominate their favourite Stroud films of 2016. To qualify the films have to be among the 480 or so local films that have been uploaded to Stroud Community TV during the year. The categories are Best Local film, Best Campaign film, Best Stroud Music film, Best Community Event Film, Best Local Business Film, Best Community Project Film and Best ‘Green’ Film. Nominations close on Saturday 14th January and then a team of prestigious local judges will view and vote on the films. Winners will be announced on 18th March.

We’d love to hear your thoughts or if you have ideas for the Award evening please do get in touch. More information, how to nominate films and how to contact us, are all our website at

Philip Booth is the co-founder of Stroud Community TV and an organiser of the Awards